Where have we been?? What have we been doing??
Emory was four months old this past Thursday.
He now weighs 14.5 lbs and is a champ at holding his head up. When put on his tummy he is doing his darndest to lift his little head and just moves his legs back and forth, back and forth. We are well on our way to crawling I believe…Whew! I had a dream he just started walking. I was totally screwed as far as child proofing goes!!
What else? Let’s see. He is talking all the time. Every morning we are woken up with his precious little coos! And just laughing a big belly laugh…we keep trying to get all this on video but he seems to be a little camera shy. Week before last he discovered his feet. Now one of his favorite pass times is lifting up his feet so he can grab them as he lies on his back. I’m not certain but I think he may be trying to get them to his mouth! Oh yes, the most important thing of all…he is sleeping through the night!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!
I’m not sure if you all are aware but parenting is VERY hard work. Not to mention working at the same time you are parenting. I used to say I could NEVER be a stay at home Mommy but I have now changed my tune. The work never ends and sometimes you just need to go to work so you can get a break from it…then when you come back home you welcome a different kind of work.
Another thing we have discovered…there are varying degrees of tiredness. I believe some people call it mommy brain and it begins during pregnancy. Obviously I was never pregnant but had no trouble acquiring said “mommy brain” once Emory arrived. All the people I work with can attest to this. It’s VERY irritating because you forget things you would never forget sans “mommy brain” /extreme tiredness. I am horrified at all of the things I simply cannot retain in my brain (no I wasn’t trying to rhyme there). I am positive that there must be documentation of this somewhere. I know I have read about people nearing insanity when faced with extreme sleep deprivation. It’s nowhere near that, but I will say that there is no room in my mind for minute details about things. It is very busy helping me to make it through my day without falling flat on my face as though I am narcoleptic. Case in point it took me a full 2 minutes to come up with the word narcoleptic. That may not seem so out of the ordinary to many of you. Those of you who know me well can attest to the fact that I pride myself on being well spoken and having an excellent vocabulary. Ah sleep deprivation…how I hate you. It’s all for a very good cause but as I said there are definitely varying degrees. I will share ours with you from greatest to least.
Zombie-you are walking around and doing all the things you need to get done but not quite sure how. Given the “go ahead” from your brain you (i.e. Emory is safe and cared for at this point-perhaps even asleep) may very well fall asleep at any given moment.
Exhaustion-this may sound as though it sound be worse than Zombie. It’s not. Once you reach Zombie you no longer realize how tired you are. With exhaustion you just want to cry. This state comes almost immediately after you bring your baby home with you from the hospital. It comes when you are having to feed them every 2-3 hours sometimes even waking them to do so…now that just doesn’t make good sense does it…waking a sleeping little baby. But you must so they can get all the nutrients they need to grow and make all the connections they need to make in their waking hours. I think Blake and I first experienced exhaustion while we were still in the state of Babyville. After we left his aunt and uncle’s house and returned to the hotel. Emory was crying and crying. We still didn’t really know so much what to do when Emory became very upset…maybe it was his tummy, maybe he was tired, maybe he just wasn’t used to being in the world yet. WHO KNOWS! We would stay in the hotel because there was no way in hell we were taking him out in public to expose him unnecessarily to germs (but we did take him to places out doors) and watch movies. One of us would go get take out and the other would stay awaiting the moment Emory would awake screaming. We would take turns holding him and swaddle him. As he cried we would ask “What’s wrong with him?” “I don’t know” the other would reply. “You try!” and trade off. It can be brutal and one of the most difficult parts of being first time parent (that we have yet to see). While in the “exhaustion” state you rarely know what day it is and only eat about one good time a day.
Fatigue-this occurs when you are still deceived into thinking that you will retain some semblance of what you formerly knew as a “regular” sleeping schedule. That will never occur again. You are in desperate need of a nap and think you will be able to “catch up” on your sleep. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha (evil laugh). This can also occur if you are young and going out night after night after night…something I know nothing about…anymore (as of about 8 years).
Overtired-I cannot believe everything the universe had me endure today. I stayed up too late yesterday, have to get up too early tomorrow, didn’t get everything on my list done and am going to a midnight opening day showing of Harry Potter (insert favorite movie).
Tired-usual end of the day, I worked my butt off, barely fit everything I needed to do into one day, and now must fall face down into my bed and not wake up for at least 8 hours.
More fun to come soon…
Emory was four months old this past Thursday.
He now weighs 14.5 lbs and is a champ at holding his head up. When put on his tummy he is doing his darndest to lift his little head and just moves his legs back and forth, back and forth. We are well on our way to crawling I believe…Whew! I had a dream he just started walking. I was totally screwed as far as child proofing goes!!
What else? Let’s see. He is talking all the time. Every morning we are woken up with his precious little coos! And just laughing a big belly laugh…we keep trying to get all this on video but he seems to be a little camera shy. Week before last he discovered his feet. Now one of his favorite pass times is lifting up his feet so he can grab them as he lies on his back. I’m not certain but I think he may be trying to get them to his mouth! Oh yes, the most important thing of all…he is sleeping through the night!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!
I’m not sure if you all are aware but parenting is VERY hard work. Not to mention working at the same time you are parenting. I used to say I could NEVER be a stay at home Mommy but I have now changed my tune. The work never ends and sometimes you just need to go to work so you can get a break from it…then when you come back home you welcome a different kind of work.
Another thing we have discovered…there are varying degrees of tiredness. I believe some people call it mommy brain and it begins during pregnancy. Obviously I was never pregnant but had no trouble acquiring said “mommy brain” once Emory arrived. All the people I work with can attest to this. It’s VERY irritating because you forget things you would never forget sans “mommy brain” /extreme tiredness. I am horrified at all of the things I simply cannot retain in my brain (no I wasn’t trying to rhyme there). I am positive that there must be documentation of this somewhere. I know I have read about people nearing insanity when faced with extreme sleep deprivation. It’s nowhere near that, but I will say that there is no room in my mind for minute details about things. It is very busy helping me to make it through my day without falling flat on my face as though I am narcoleptic. Case in point it took me a full 2 minutes to come up with the word narcoleptic. That may not seem so out of the ordinary to many of you. Those of you who know me well can attest to the fact that I pride myself on being well spoken and having an excellent vocabulary. Ah sleep deprivation…how I hate you. It’s all for a very good cause but as I said there are definitely varying degrees. I will share ours with you from greatest to least.
Zombie-you are walking around and doing all the things you need to get done but not quite sure how. Given the “go ahead” from your brain you (i.e. Emory is safe and cared for at this point-perhaps even asleep) may very well fall asleep at any given moment.
Exhaustion-this may sound as though it sound be worse than Zombie. It’s not. Once you reach Zombie you no longer realize how tired you are. With exhaustion you just want to cry. This state comes almost immediately after you bring your baby home with you from the hospital. It comes when you are having to feed them every 2-3 hours sometimes even waking them to do so…now that just doesn’t make good sense does it…waking a sleeping little baby. But you must so they can get all the nutrients they need to grow and make all the connections they need to make in their waking hours. I think Blake and I first experienced exhaustion while we were still in the state of Babyville. After we left his aunt and uncle’s house and returned to the hotel. Emory was crying and crying. We still didn’t really know so much what to do when Emory became very upset…maybe it was his tummy, maybe he was tired, maybe he just wasn’t used to being in the world yet. WHO KNOWS! We would stay in the hotel because there was no way in hell we were taking him out in public to expose him unnecessarily to germs (but we did take him to places out doors) and watch movies. One of us would go get take out and the other would stay awaiting the moment Emory would awake screaming. We would take turns holding him and swaddle him. As he cried we would ask “What’s wrong with him?” “I don’t know” the other would reply. “You try!” and trade off. It can be brutal and one of the most difficult parts of being first time parent (that we have yet to see). While in the “exhaustion” state you rarely know what day it is and only eat about one good time a day.
Fatigue-this occurs when you are still deceived into thinking that you will retain some semblance of what you formerly knew as a “regular” sleeping schedule. That will never occur again. You are in desperate need of a nap and think you will be able to “catch up” on your sleep. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha (evil laugh). This can also occur if you are young and going out night after night after night…something I know nothing about…anymore (as of about 8 years).
Overtired-I cannot believe everything the universe had me endure today. I stayed up too late yesterday, have to get up too early tomorrow, didn’t get everything on my list done and am going to a midnight opening day showing of Harry Potter (insert favorite movie).
Tired-usual end of the day, I worked my butt off, barely fit everything I needed to do into one day, and now must fall face down into my bed and not wake up for at least 8 hours.
More fun to come soon…
1 comment:
I always wondered how people figured out what to do with a newborn.. now I know! You guess! =)
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