Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So much to say...

I have so many things I want to write about. The baby showers we have had, our "how we got here" story, all of my anxiety, and then of course all my usual "this is what I think about what is happening at this moment" type of information.
I will get to all of that in posts to come. First I want to share with all of you about a precious gift I received for Christmas. Both of my sisters gave me Christmas presents for Emory (this was back before we had finished the name game). My middle sister gave me the coolest thing. It is a very cozy blanket that is baby blue and made of thin fleece...kind of like polar fleece, a la Old Navy. On this blanket is written many statements kind of "on behalf of Emory". It is written in a kid hand writing type font. The statements are as follows.

The whole world welcomes my arrival * I sleep peacefully and with ease * I am filled with unlimited possibilities * I am loved * I am healthy, happy and strong * I am cherished * I am a bright light in the world * I have joined my perfect family * I am held by loving hands * What a gift I am * I am unique * I am a bundle of joy * I am perfect * My future is bright * I am safe and protected * I am peaceful and calm * I am nurtured and cared for * I am adored * I am surrounded by love and tender care * I am a true miracle

It is almost as if it were written just for Emory! Of course my favorite line I have bolded and italicized. It is called an Affirmawrap. They have a website. http://www.affirmagy.com/

More to come ASAP. I promise!

1 comment:

Nichole said...

wow what a cool and thoughtful gift!