Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What kind of baby?

This just in...I talked to Lori last night and she told me that on Tuesday October the 28th she has a doctors appointment and she will find out if it is a boy or a girl!!!! Yea!!


leah said...

Wow, Kecia, I finally had time to read your blogs and I am in tears. What an incredible mom you will be and my heart goes out to the birth mother.

You have such a beautiful, calm and peaceful attitude...one can feel it in your writing.

I am SO excited for both of you! You will begin the journey of a lifetime when you receive your 'someday baby'!

I'm so glad you set this up. I'll be checking in often to see your story unfold.

My prayers are with both of you as you travel down this uncertain road.



Francesca said...

2 more days until you find out if it will be pink or blue!!! So excited for you guys!

SFF said...

I can't wait to start buying clothes!!!